

※ネタバレあり 劇場版 シティハンター 天使の涙~エンジェルダスト~を鑑賞して。City Hunter the movie The Final Chapter Begins.



Hello.It's pepenee. Today, I watched "City Hunter the movie the final chapter began" in a movie, so I would like to write about my impressions. Contains spoilers. 





①This City Hunter work is for core fans who know the original work!




Ryo Saeba, the number one sweeper in the city's underworld, and his partner Kaori Makimura receive a request from a beautiful woman named Angie. However, there is Angie's unbearable inner conflict and the exstance of a dangerous biological weapon called angel dust. 




City Hunter was serialized in Jump magazine when Pepenee was a junior high school student, but at the beginning of the story, angel dust was already appearing, and Kaori's older brother, Hideyuki Makimura, died due to its presence. As the series progressed, the story began to depict Ryo Saeba's past and the relationship between Angel Dust. To be honest, If you haven't read the original story thoroughly, the meaning of this movie, City Hunter, may not make much sense to you. However, I still felt that the anime production company(aniplex) had created the core of City Hunter for its core fans. 




②At this age, I understand the world of the world and the world of City Hunter




To be honest, when I was in junior high school, I saw Ryo saeba fighting a huge criminal organization and thought it was really cool, but I kept raeding the manga wondering if such a bad organization really existed. However, in recent years, as I have seen the darkness of the Unification Church, Big Motor, and Johnny's office, I have come to think that there is always darkness behind power, and that the world depicted in City Hunter is correct. I've started to feel this way at this age. We cannot deny the possibility that evil power are using assassination groups to kill people such as President Kennedy, who was assassinated in history, and Japan's Ryoma Sakamoto, and the lives of those who try to uncover this are in danger. Fortunately, City Hunter Ryo Saeba is a hero of justice. If it's a bad guy, even if it's an organization, He is going to defeat it. 




③A pathology called Angie. 




A beautiful woman named Angie comes to Saeba as a client. She was a top-class member of the assassination squad of the fuge crime syndicate"Union Teope". Surprisingly, even when fighting Saeba, her physical strength and sniping skills are not far behind. In her heart, she harbors an unusual paternal love for Saeba's foster father, the Shin Kaibara, "Commander Union Teope". If she become a better assassin than anyone else, she will be loved by Kaibara. In order to be loved by Kaibara the most, he has no choice but to defeat Ryo Saeba, the most talented person. Kaibara uses his charisma to control Angie in the name of love. This Shin Kaibara is a poisonous parent that has become a hot topic recently. In this world, we can say that we don't need anything if we have love, but there are many people who use love to control themselves. After all, the concept of a "safety base" called love will become important. Being given unconditional love, not conditional love, from an early age. If we can do that, more and more people will be able to live happy lives with high self-esteem. 


④エンディング、get wildとともにリョウがしびれる位エモくなる。


④The ending, along with the theme song, is so cool that it makes me happy. 




I had a great time! Cat's eye's three beautiful sisters, the collaboration with Gundam, the message of the Kaori's hammer, the collaboration with Lupin the Third, and many other fun elements that fans will love. The ending Ryo is so cool! As expected from Aniplex! it's the best.