

統合失調症さんのしあわせロードマップ。 Happiness Roadmap for Schizophrenia.



Hello. It's pepenee. Currently, my mother is in the hospital and I have some time, so I would like to create a little experimental blog. I am currently a freelancer with 20 years of schizophrenia history. I developed the disease at the age of 28 so far, and have gone through various twists and turns until I am in remisson. Thanks to everyone, I live alone, have a free life, have stable qualifications, have a partner I can rely on, and often go out with my partner and partner's child. 




Based on my 20 years of experience, I thought it might be a good idea to show everyone a roadmap of how I found happiness. Many of the people who read my blog are people with schizophrenia or their families. I want to send information so that people can be little bit of peace. In addition, I will tell you step by step what pepenee experienced and acted on in terms of living happily. By doing so, I hope that I can provide support for those who are currently suffering from schizophrenia and their families.




I'll talk to you soon.




①If you have schizophrenia, be sure to see a psychiatrist.




First, we have to overcome the acute phase of schizophrenia. When schizophrenia begins, the person suffers from some kind of hallucination or auditory hallucination. We will support you to visit a psychiatric hospital patiently with your family. Your mind is completely panicked. The hallucinations and auditory hallucinations felt like God's orders that I could not go against. People can be seen shining through the wall, walking for 2-3days, not sleeping for 2-3days. "What kind of god are you?" "You're not human!"etc. experience tremendous hallucination and auditory hallucinations. From pepenee's experience, I think that acute phase consumed half of my life's energy. Since the person himself(herself) is in a different world, I think it would be desirable for his(her) family to handle it realistcally. First, see a psychiatrist, get some medicine, and get into the habit of taking that medicine every day.




②Apply for disability pension.





1 初診日が明らかにできる。







2 保険料の納付要件を満たす。









3 病状が障害等級に該当する。









日本年金機構 https://www.nenkin.go.jp


This is the main point of this blog. If the acute phase of the patient gradually softens with the prescribed medicine and rest, please apply for and receive a disability pension. By receiving this disability pension, the possibility of life and the independent life of the person will be easier to obtain. When I was 28 years old, it was 20 years ago when I developed schizophrenia. At that time, schizophrenia was also called "seishin-bunretsu-byou", an almost incurable disease. People with disease had a strong image of spending their entire lives in a psychiatric ward. Therefore, in a sense, it was easy to receive a disability pension. A psychiatrist at the time said that if you wrote schizophrenia on your medical certificate, you would be eligible for a Level 2 disability pension. In the case of pepenee, from graduating from university until the onset of schizophrenia at the age of 28, there were a few job changes, but pepenee was enrolled in the national pension and employees' pension. 


Write down the important points below.


1 The date of first visit can be made clear. (the date of first visit=初診日)

The date of the first medical examination is the date on which the patient first received treatment from a docter for the illness (schizophrenia) that caused the disabilty. 


In my time, if you were not enrolled in the National Pension or Employees' Pension and you had this first medical examination(初診日), unfortunately you would not have been paid a disability pension. 


If you know the date of your first visit, ask the medical institution on the date of your first visit to write a report on the status of your consultation. 


2 Meet the premium payment(National Pension, employees' Pension) requirements.


・There is no non-payment within one year from two months before the date of the first medical examination. 


・From the age of 20 until the month before the date of the first medical examination, less than one-third of the payments have been made. 


Either must be satisfied. 


3 The medical condision corresponds to the disability grade. 

rough indication.


1st grade: Bedridden.

2nd grade: can't do daily life.

3rd grade:  can't work.




If you meet the above three conditions, you can receive a disability pension. pepenee was helped by this disability pension. If you are reading this blog and have not applied for a disability pension, I would like the family of the pension concerned to take the procedure to receive this disability pension. 


Japan Pension Service   https://nenkin.go jp


今回は、統合失調症さんが、しあわせになるロードマップとして、特に障害年金について書いてみました。大学生の時に統合失調症に罹られた方は、特に三つの要件をしっかり確認していただいて、ためらいなく障害年金を受給しましょう。読者さんのブログを拝見し、統合失調症さんの幸せになるステップを出来るだけわかりやすく、丁寧に書く必要があると思い、緊急で書き上げました。もし、障害年金についてわからなかったら、インターネットで 障害年金 統合失調症 のキーワードでも豊富に情報が出てきます。統合失調症さんの、しあわせはじめの一歩として書かせていただきました。もし、役に立った、と思われましたら、はてなスター、コメントお待ちしています。


This time, I wrote about the disability pension as a roadmap that makes people with schizophrenia happy. If you suffered from schizophrenia when you were a university student, please check the three requirements carefully and receive a disability pension without hesitation. I saw a reader's blog and thought that it was necessary to write the steps to make people with schizophrenia happy as clearly and politely as possible, so I wrote it urgently. If you don't know about disability pensions, you can find a wealth of information on the Internet using the keyword "disability pension schizophrenia". I wrote this as a first step toward happiness for people with schizophrenia. If you find it useful, please hit a Hatena star or leave a momment. 




If there is a request, I would like to make the Happiness Roadmap a series.