

自治会のイベントがどんどん失われる件について。 Regarding the fact that community association events are being lost more and more.



Hello. It's pepenee. Today, I would like to write about the recent decline in community association events in local areas. 




①Even in the pepenee region, the population is decreasing and aging rapidly. 




Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the area where pepenee lives is becoming a society with a high numuber of elderly people and fewer children. The New Year's Marathon, which was held every year on January 1st, is a historic event that dates back to the 1970s, but this year it was canceled by a majority vote of the athletic committee. 




②Even pepenee can see that the region is on the verge of death. 




Destroying the lives of families and communities that have been woven together throughout history. It is to make humans lonely, to disregard fumanity, and to pursue rationality. I thought that if we don't create a city where people can live in peace and security by helping each other as a family, the Japanese people will disappear if things continue like this. When people pursue only the moment, only money, and only themselves, they end up placing importance only on rationality. First, I feel like my family is falling apart. No, it's alraedy broken. 




③Is marriage a nerd?




I know it's too late now, but I feel like if we don't have a society where people can get married and have and raise children with peace of mind, the future is doomed. I can really feel it. A man and a woman who fall in love get married, happily have children, and create a stable family. Are you neglecting this most important point too much? Or is natural all developed countries that have experienced rapid economic growth to decline due to declining birthrates and aging populations? Is there no other way than to create an independent country for only young people? We don't even have time to absorb the sad reality; a mass aging nation is definitely coming soon. Our pepenee is 48 years old. I just want to do what I can. 




This blog is written for people who want to be happy. Thank you for your continued support. see you!